A new ANTLR is in the House
It is my great pleasure to introduce the next generation of ANTLR: antlr-ng. See also https://www.antlr-ng.org. This tool is a port of ANTLR to TypeScript, which makes Java unnecessary for parser generation. Instead, Node.js (more precisely npm) is now required, which makes it much easier to use (no more aliases andContinue Reading
TypeScript Target for ANTLR4 – New Major Release
The new 3.0.0 release completes the conversion of the Java (and JavaScript) ANTRL4 runtime to TypeScript. It’s a significant improvement over the existing TS (and JS) runtimes, as it includes now all relevant parts from the Java runtime and has been optimized for performance. It’s now twice as fast forContinue Reading
First Public Release of java2typescript
After more than a year of work I’m pleased to announce the first release of my Java to Typescript converter tool. It is open source and has been released under the MIT license. With this permissive license the tool is usable by essentially everybody, but keep in mind that codeContinue Reading
ANTLR4 extension for Visual Studio Code version 2.2.4
I just released the next version of the vscode-antlr4 extension, which now supports specifying a custom ANTLR4 jar + own parameters for its invocation. A few bugs have been fixed as well. As usual you can find the code on Github and the extension in the Visual Code Marketplace.Continue Reading
ANTLR4 extension for vscode 2.2.3
Another release of the ANTLR4 extension for VS Code was published last week. Now all ANTLR4 related information is bundled in an own sidebar, which makes it possible to avoid cluttering the vscode UI with unrelated details, if you are in other areas.Continue Reading
ANTLR4 extension for vscode 2.0.0
The extension makes a larger jump in the version because it has now reached a pretty stable and mature state. The formerly separate backend (antlr4-graps) is now direct part of the extension and a rename provider has been added. With that most of the work is done and the extensionContinue Reading
ANTLR4 extension for vscode 1.3.0, now with debugging support
Last week another update of the ANTLR4 Visual Studio Code extension went out and now you can debug your grammars with it. The extension supports debugging of grammar files (parser rules only). At least internal code generation must be enabled to allow debugging (which is the default and requires aContinue Reading
The ANTLR4 C++ runtime reached home
A few days ago Terence Parr merged the ANTLR4 C++ runtime into the main ANTLR4 repository. So it is now part of the official distribution. I had some trouble getting the runtime tests compiling on Travis CI but finally the job is done. Let’s celebrate the achievement.Continue Reading
The ANTLR4 C++ target is here!
So far I’ve been an enthusiastic user of ANTLR3, mostly for the MySQL Workbench product, where I based all the parsing infrastructure on the ANTLR3 C runtime. However, with the appearence of v4 a few years ago this ANTLR version got outdated and the support for it decreased constantly sinceContinue Reading
IBANtools – a banking support package
One of my current projects I work on in my sparetime is Pecunia, which is an OSX app to manage multiple online banking accounts, organize financial data and provide answers about your money (e.g. monthly income and where it is spent). Pecunia is open source on Github and also availableContinue Reading